Tag Archives: op5

Bugs and Features online

On friday we made our bugs and features system Mantis publicly available on our support portal www.op5.com/support. Now users and visitors can view all bugs and feature requests, change logs and road maps for all op5s products and projects. By registering it is also possible to submit bugs and feature requests!

Today we have several services on our websites that needs registration to access. We are working on a single account solution to make this less tedious for regular visitors to our sites.

op5 bug and feature tracker - Mantis Online

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Let us know what you think!

A new feature has been added to op5 community site, its a Suggestion Box using the superb open source service from IdeaScale.  With this very simple service you as a visitor easily and anonymously can add suggestions and comments, share ideas and brainstorm. Everyone can then vote and comment the ideas. The ideas will also be considered by us at op5 in our open source projects and product development, website construction and in contact with support customers.

Share your ideas with the world!

Share your ideas with the world!

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Filed under op5

Informative blog on the Open Source Network Management Software market

Jack Huges has a very informative and interesting blog; The Tech Teapot, about network management in general and primarily about open source based network management softwares. In the articles Open Source Network Management Buzz, he presents statistics on popularity based on web searches and has also made comparisons between some systems. Unfortunately he has so far missed op5s Nagios based solutions. It would be very interesting to see how our software would compare to Zenoss, Hyperic and OpenNMS and in the comparison of the Nagios Ecosystem. Hopefully the new UK partners can help putting op5 on the open NMS map.


Filed under Nagios, NMS Comparison, op5

op5 is one of Europes fastest growing companies

Deloitte Tech Fast 500 ranks the fastest growing technology companies in Europe, Middle East and Africa, highlighting both established and emerging companies. So it feels great to be recognised and be a part of this list. We have an extrordinary growth since the start a couple of years ago, the growthrate is almost 400%, putting op5 at number 432 in Deloitte Tech Fast 500. And this is only the begining, we are planning to continue to grow in a fast phase, despite economic downturn and fierce competitors.

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Filed under op5

Developing the op5 website

Our website is one of our most important communication channels with our customers and also everyone looking for the kind of solutions that we deliver. The last months most work have been done “behind the scenes”. Therefore it is fun to now start working with the parts that actually shows on the site.

The first thing we have done is to overhaul our page with screenshots from our products. The presentation is now slightly better with nicer finish and navigation. Another plus is that its easier to add new screenshots. This is only the first sign on changes to come. Keep an eye on new features taking the site to the next level!

Oh, and please feel free to send me your suggestions on how we can improve the site and if there are features you would like to see. You can add comments here or email marketing”at”op5.com


We have added a an op5.org site where we publish our projects, dev blogs and other information of interest for op5/Nagios developers. Andreas Ericsson’s blog and Peter Anderssons blog is published there and we hope to be able to present more dev blogs there shortly.


Speaking of blogs, there are several from the op5 staff that has started their own blogs, so we have created a feed of staff members different blogs at www.op5.com/blogs. The blogs are our personal blogs and opinions, but since we are also writing about work related issues we thought it be fun to also publish them on the website.

More stuff is happening at op5, so keep visiting us!

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Filed under marketing, op5